Sunday, February 13, 2011

military academy of medical sciences

February 12 - according to the state food and drug administration web news, recently, the state food and drug administration issued a circular, exposes "Eurasian new hernia king capsule" six species of fake.

It is reported, the state food and drug supervision bureau recently receives reports, reflected in the market in counterfeit, forge military institute or authoritative organization name, illegal sales claimed therapeutic disease propaganda functional products. After verification, the products are reporting reflect without approval, registration of fake drugs for false labeling research institutes of institution.

These products are: the specific circumstances of labeling ChanWeiMing referred to as "international hernia developed disease treatment association headquarters in Beijing" the Eurasian new hernia king capsules, labeled ChanWeiMing called "Chinese medicine developed drug research institute (Beijing) hernia rehabilitation center" of "empowered hernia made", labeled ChanWeiMing kang called "Chinese medicine developed drug research institute" "kang hernia spirit capsules, labeled ChanWeiMing called" developed PLA logistic department, research center ", "100 grass pearl hypotention capsule" and "living pancreatic rehabilitation renal capsule", indicating that developed ChanWeiMing called "of the PLA , diabetes research center" and "international biological medicine institute" the kidneys and sugar spirit capsule ".

The state food and drug supervision bureau for provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) food and drug supervision bureau according to law, strengthen the supervision and inspection, the jurisdiction of the pharmaceutical market in accordance with the above items, found; strictly investigate and prosecute Criminal suspects, according to "the supreme people's court, the supreme people's procuratorate about for production, sale fake and inferior drugs criminal cases, the concrete application of law in the explanation of some issues" transferred to the public security organ shall be investigated for criminal responsibility.

The state food and drug supervision bureau also remind patients don't buy these products, and avoid dulness diagnoses, the health hazard. Patients should be qualified to normal drugstore or medical institutions to purchase medicines; Inquires the drug approved registration, whether should login the state food and drug supervision bureau official website.

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