Saturday, January 22, 2011

said the Wolf pedestrian scheming

In the "special dun armour", "draw", "yellow bird diao sign", "face reading" and so on several categories, with cattle cheerful face reading the most popular. He has the gift of the gab, story-teller. For example, what what looks good people who can pay what man can't pay, said the Wolf pedestrian scheming, said poor, says the Lord finches pedestrians fleeing serpent people poison, rat eye person cannot pay, etc.

Also said xu beihong painting horse why good, is "fat but not unusualness, thin and have a mind", visible xu beihong before liberation is already very famous, and for all praise highly. Cows lotte accept hexagrams endowment is very low, seek his face reading is much. When face reading is mostly compliments, for example you forehead is young, good luck full said you are high cheekbones is power, say you bottom Ge fangyuan old shipped good etc. Anyhow, you spend money let you happy, listen to also have some renqingshigu truth, very interesting.

Storytellers of the surviving environment have ZhaoQingBo ", jingdong LeTing drum, and joash rap "ba" (yellow case-solving stories). Most hiring is nickname called the little honeybee ZhuBanShu said liu case-solving (LiuYongDou ho-shen). This person grow ugly, but performance good, even said with singing, the point funny sample its utmost uglification ho-shen, send people TingShu intermittent sly laughter. It's only call yet.

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