Thursday, April 7, 2011

liberated spelled a life

After that the emperor ceremonies title-conferring new wedding ceremony. On that day.
Good day.
Extremely mbt uk sale sunlight. There had never been brilliant. Or the sun is like a has been Gu long  bloom.

Drum uproarious flying dragon pennant.
A nation's basilica.
Courtiers a list of royal a column. Do all kneeling on house near the.
The house is a high and luxuriant jade stage.
Jade stage two maid-in-waiting holding after GongShan pheasant plume. Jade sets a four jade seat above. The two sides each one.
The emperor sit is the red on the centre-right seat embroider is worn exquisitely jinlong.
Emperor's father sat mbt boots sale dressed in bright jade seat right of the imperial crowns red thread exquisitely ornament in tap and dragons.
Sitting beside jade seat left luang embroidered with phoenix wearing bright red queen also take the royal thread exquisitely ornament in phoenix on the head.
3 all smiled weathering the new platform on the hind leg of jade.

New FengGuan wearing bright red xi after wearing served it with gold thread exquisitely monogrammed for phoenix.
She slowly toward the jade stage.
She also smiled countenance dignified beauty.
She stared at jade stage the incomparably beautiful emperor.
She up the steps.
She steps on jade stage.
The emperor from jade seat rose will reach her palm.
She will his hand on his slender jade and wide on the palm of then turned to face outside the house.
They slowly worship to the heaven and earth do presents.
They slowly side turned to emperor's father did drakes. Worshippeth
They slowly side turned to worship luang drakes. Do
Then they slowly both in deciding the two jade jade Taiwan is seat.
Drum kept outside the temple bell has been flying dragon pennant.
Inside, the house wenwu courtiers, royalty and the maid eunuch, with the palace guards try finding the ShanHu: we are kneel ground WanWanSui! Viva viva emperor Queen chitose chitose thousand chitose!

The emperor palace.
Within the fuel burn baoding sweet antique vase lily among the core. In a changchun Coloured glaze palace lantern hanging golden wine bottle put. Gold and silver jewelry oversized brightness.
The curtain light ChengXiang vertical twin.
The maid dim the lights.
The auspicious clothing newlyweds with heavy crown has removed.
The emperor and the only in new clothes.
After the head slightly lower new sitting huge marriage bed edge.
The emperor slowly near her step.
Her hand tremble.
The emperor finger gently lift her face.
If after spring flower. New j
The emperor smiled light calls: qin younger sister
After gazing at the emperor also new smiled light calls: huang elder brother
The emperor smiling mbt habari the plea after close new face.
The new eyes after flicker in fear and shyness.
The emperor's new face distance after only one inch face. But he did live then use hands handholding's her shoulder gently but firmly in the bosom embrace her.
After the new privately with a light heart sighs.
Hug lasted a long time.
After the new emperor finally loosen with finger again lift her face close my eyes to her lips disc kiss.
New shivering. After
The emperor's lip seal face the side after the new. Because her in his lips the moment before the arrival of suddenly turning sideways in the face.
The emperor and evacuated their lips and evacuated their body some astonishment looking at new.
After leaving new panic edge down on my knees, : ChenQie parsley damn froth princes hell!
The emperor received slight surprised to sigh spirit long arms outstretched arm from new says: don't blame you
New after a beat bite the hand will yourself under clothing solution in.
The emperor one leng: qin younger sister
New remove yourself after restively clothing only party bright-red abdomen wraps up.
The emperor's heart suddenly hurt badly. He rose to grab throw on the ground after the new clothes with her body in the body of her guojin.
He hugged her gently lovingly says: since I've been to all you as his own sister you also have been when I was the biological father emperor is cable seal brother for princess I never wanted to take thee to him to wife made you as I always thought I after love you whole life for you to pick the bridegroom even protect you life enron and happy life
New low to cry but after does not talk.
The emperor hugging her gentle voice appearing blame: but why do you agree? Even though you resolute don't agree though mbt lami angry but father emperor total not offend in you even punish on you. Father emperor want you to marry me this is from the pain you love your soul

The emperor long sigh of relief say: you're too oversensitive. Father emperor and huang aunt this are compatriots sibling the affection between both of them and the other sovereign prince can uncover and not compared besides huang general princess in today's world who move her old man's house

And WuYan general as protecting the linchpin of the country toward countless prince of two beams of no one can out its right don't say is I even father emperor also won't move him. Qin sister for brother really don't know exactly why do you want to agree to marry queen.
The emperor apart the parsley spray embrace the inside of the busy lie on the bed to gently openings: I just just don't want to father emperor any ground unhappy

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